
Cerium Metal - chemical element with the symbol Ce atomic number 58

Cerium (Ce) 58

Chemical element symbol is (Ce) and atomic number 58.

Cerium is a Rare Earth Metal classified in the group of Light Rare Earth Elements (LREE).

The chemist Martin Heinrich Klaproth discovered the ore in Berlin in 1803. Two Swedish, William Von Jons Jakob Berzelius Hisinger and discovered Cerium simultaneously in Stockholm. Its name refers to the dwarf planet “Ceres” referenced January 1801.


Cerium is a silver grey metal, the most abundant group of Rare Earths. At room temperature, it is malleable and oxidizes rapidly in air.

Properties & Applications

Because of its important role in the production of LED, LCD and lighting devices, Europium is one of the most rare earth phosphors. As cerium, Europium exists in two different forms of oxidation, which gives it more flexibility than most other Rare Earths.


Top 3 Producers

1. China
2. Russia
3. Malaysia

Top 3 Reserve Holders

1. China
2. CIS countries (incl. Russia)
3. USA

Resource Allocation

Relative Supply Risk: 9.5
Reserve Distribution: 50%

Today, in Europe, the US and Japan launched many programs to escape the Chinese monopoly. The Europeans for their part are prospecting with France leading in the underwater world of Polynesia.

Application field

  • Precision polishing
  • Self-cleaning ovens
  • Welding tools arc
  • Film industry
  • Catalytic for various uses
  • Alloying element for steel and aluminium alloys
  • In the white LEDs as a fluorescent layer
  • Catalytic converters (Reducing exhaust)
  • Possible future uses for hydrogen generation from solar energy
  • Medical use
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