
Lithium Metal - chemical element with the symbol Li atomic number 3

Lithium (Li) 3

Chemical element symbol is (Li) and atomic number 3.

Lithium is classified in the group of Intermediate Rare Earth Elements (ETRI).

Johan August Arfwedson discovered lithium, in Greek lithos meaning stone, in 1817. He discovered a new salt analyzing petalite minerals spodumene and lepidolite from the island of Utd, municipality of Haninge Sweden. In 1818 Christian Gmelin (1792-1860) was the first to observe that these salts (Lithium) gave a bright red flame.


Lithium is the metal with the lowest molecular weight and lower density, with a density of less than half that of water. According to law of Dulong and Petit, the solid having the greatest specific heat.

Properties & Applications

Lithium is often used as a battery anode due to its large electrochemical potential. Lithium batteries are widely used in the field of embedded systems because of their high energy density as well as mass volume.


Top 3 Producers

1. Australia
2. Chile
3. China

Top 3 Reserve Holders

1. Chile
2. China
3. Australia

Application field

  • High Performance Lithium Alloys aluminium, cadmium, copper, and manganese are used to make parts for aircraft
  • Lithium salts such as Lithium carbonate, citrate Lithium or Lithium orotate is used as a regulator of mood for the treatment of bipolar disorder
  • Lithium is sometimes used in glasses and ceramics with low thermal expansion, such as for the mirror 200-inch Hale telescope of the Palomar. It also has a low interaction with the X-ray glasses Lithium (meta and Lithium tetraborate) are used to dissolve fluorescence spectrometry oxides X
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