
Nickel Metal - chemical element with the symbol Ni atomic number 28

Nickel (Ni) 28

Chemical element symbol is (Ni) and atomic number 28.

Nickel is classified in the group of transition metals.

Nickel was discovered in 1751. Today, much of the world’s nickel is extracted in Ontario, Canada. Nickel is very popular in many industries due to its durability, hard and corrosion resistant. Nickel wire uses are found in a wide variety of trades.


About 80% of nickel is produced from sulphide ores of copper and nickel.

Properties & Applications

The nanowires are used in healthcare and medical technology. Nickel nanowires are used in the filtration of the virus, the production of liposomes and other complex medical procedures. Nickel is a particularly good material to be used for medical nanowires because of its anti-corrosive properties. Nickel is not only used in wireless technology to provide strength and corrosion resistance, it is in other everyday objects. Nickel is added to the glass for the green color, creating a decorative effect. It is also used in the vegetable oil to create the hydrogenation.


Top 3 Producers

1. Russia
2. Indonesia
3. Philippines

Top 3 Reserve Holders

1. Australia
2. New Caledonia
3. Brazil

Application field

  • Nanotechnology
  • Microeletronics
  • Microbiology
  • Space Applications
  • Aviation industry
  • Medicine
  • Aerospace Industry
  • Military industry
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